EditLive! can be toggled to display all of the hidden formatting currently applied to your HTML. This includes displaying information such as:
- Paragraph ends
- New line characters
- List item formatting
Methods for Enabling/Disabling Show Paragraph Markers
There are 2 methods for enabling/disabling Show Paragraph Markers:
- Toolbar Button
- Menu Item
The toolbar and menu items described below may not appear in your instance of EditLive!. This would be due to your Systems Administrator removing this functionality. For more information, see your Systems Administrator.
Toolbar Button
The EditLive! toolbar provides the button for toggling Show Paragraph Markers
Menu Item
The Paragraph Markers toggle menu item is located under the Tools menu.
Displaying Paragraph Markers
When Show Paragraph Markers is enabled, various new formatting will appear.
Example: The following images show content with a paragraph, a list and a table:
EditLive! - Show Paragraph Markers Disabled
EditLive! - Show Paragraph Markers Enabled
paragraph_marker_16.png (image/png)
showparagraph_before.gif (image/gif)
showparagraph_after.gif (image/gif)
showparagraph_after.png (image/png)
showparagraph_before.png (image/png)
showparagraph_before.gif (image/gif)
showparagraph_after.gif (image/gif)
showparagraph_after.png (image/png)
showparagraph_before.png (image/png)