EditLive! 9 Documentation : Getting the Document in the Applet Tutorial

Getting Started

Required SkillsĀ 

The following skills are required prior to working with this tutorial:

  • Basic client-side JavaScript
Required Tutorials Completed

The following tutorials are required to be undertaken before attempting this tutorial:


Step 1. Create an Instance of EditLive! in a Webpage and Set the Document

As shown in the Setting the Document in the Applet Tutorial, create an instance of EditLive! in a webpage and set the Document.

               <script src="../../redistributables/editlivejava/editlivejava.js" language="JavaScript"></script>
                       var editlivejava = new EditLiveJava("ELJApplet", "700", "400");
                       editlivejava.setBody(encodeURIComponent("<p>Original <i>HTML</i> loaded into EditLive!</p>"));

Save this webpage as getDocument.html.

Step 2. Create a HTML Textarea and a Button.

As seen in the Setting the Document in the Applet Tutorial, create a textarea and a button on the page. The purpose of the button in this tutorial will be to copy the contents of the HTML Document in EditLive! into the textarea.

               <p><textarea id="documentContents" cols="80" rows="5"></textarea>
                       <br/><input type="button" value="Get Document Contents" onclick="buttonPress()"></p>
               <script src="../../redistributables/editlivejava/editlivejava.js" language="JavaScript"></script>
                       var editlivejava = new EditLiveJava("ELJApplet", "700", "400");
                       editlivejava.setBody(encodeURIComponent("<p>Original <i>HTML</i> loaded into EditLive!</p>"));

Step 3. Create a Javascript Function to Get the Document of EditLive! with the Textarea Contents

In order to extract the HTML Document stored in EditLive!, the getDocument Method is used.

The GetDocument run-time function requires a string parameter passed to be passed to it. This parameter is required to be the name of an existing Javascript method in the page. Once the getDocument Method is called, the Javascript property passed will then be called, passing the HTML document as a string parameter.

This tutorial contains a javascript function called getEditLiveDocument. When called, the string parameter passed to this function is then assigned to value of the textarea.

Hence, the getDocument Method passes the string 'getEditLiveDocument', which then calls the getEditLiveDocument method, passing the HTML contents of EditLive! as the src parameter.

               <form name="exampleForm">
                       <p><textarea id="documentContents" cols="80" rows="5"></textarea>
                               <br/><input type="button" value="Get Document Contents" onclick="buttonPress()"></p>
                       <script src="../../redistributables/editlivejava/editlivejava.js" language="JavaScript"></script>
                               var editlivejava = new EditLiveJava("ELJApplet", "700", "400");
                               editlivejava.setBody(encodeURIComponent("<p>Original <i>HTML</i> loaded into EditLive!</p>"));
                               /** Function extracts the contents of the EditLive! HTML Document
                                * and displays this content in the textarea
                               function buttonPress() {
                                       // the parameter passed to the GetDocuement method is the callback method the applet will call, passing
                                       // the contents of the HTML Document stored in EditLive!
                               function getEditLiveDocument(src) {
                                       document.exampleForm.documentContents.value = src;