This document outlines the steps needed to install the Web component of the Tiny EditLive! development suite.
Installation Details
The Tiny EditLive! SDK will be provided as a .zip file. The first step you need to undertake is to unzip the downloaded file. In order to do this, simply use an unzipping program such as WinZip or Power Archiver. You should unzip the file to an appropriate location, such as C:\editlive\ (on a Windows machine). Once you have done this, you need to set up Tiny EditLive! to run on your Web server as per the instructions below.
Web Server Deployment
To deploy the EditLive! SDK on your Web server, simply copy the editlive directory and all its subdirectories from the location where they were un-archived to a location from which they can be served on your Web server.
What to do When You Have Finished the Installation Process
If you have followed this installation guide correctly, you can now start using EditLive!. Please work through the Tiny EditLive! documentation and tutorials on this site as well as the packaged examples to familiarize yourself with the product.